Sunday morning Walter Rucki at the meat counter in his Abbington Ct. Market. “You can’t take photo’s without a flash in here can you?” A few days later I gave Walter this image and it hung in the Market for years. The general store, the corner market mom and pops were the hub of the community. I was a young photographer and was, am still honored to have this image hung at Rucki’s . The image is a moment in time, a warm honest greeting. When my next book is published Walter will be there smiling and saying good morning Peter. I didn’t live in Abbington but had friends there and often was in the store yet Walter knew my name as I’m sure he knew almost everyone’s who passed through the green wooden screen doors on a summer morning. I hope you all had a Walter Rucki in your life.
enjoy pjc
Small Business All the Usual Subjects
Love the big cow outside the store, too.
What a nice picture of Mr. Rucki. Remember going to his store down in the Village in Putnam and then when we married going to the store in Abington. I remember your Mom, Dad, Walter, and sisters.
Great family and good memories
Shirley DiVincenzo Weimann
Welcome Shirley Ann and thank you for your comment. I stopped working for a few moments when your comment came just drifting back to a Sunday Morning at Rucki’s enjoy pjc
Dad had a smile for everone. Remembering the opening of the store in 1957 after the terrible loss in 1955 brings a smile to my face. Going from the city life to country living was his dream.
I found your site by accident. Thank you for the memory.
Walt Jr
Nice to hear from you Walt. Many a Sunday morning your dad brought a smile to my face and today you have done the same. enjoy pjc