Any one ever see this man not smiling? We wandered around Downtown Storrs as long as we could take it, met a waiter from new restaurant who needed a ride home to Willi after finding there was no bus on Sat. So we took him home.
Grandma multitasking after my interview on Grandmas Attic WCNI New London, which was fun but early in the morning. lol
Not too early to be inspired though. Dew drops on greens less than 50 feet from the studio. enjoy pjc
Photographic Art Layered Life from a series we talked about on the air.
I had a blast hanging out with you again. You always bring a pleasant perspective with you. I really appreciate that you made the effort to drive up from Norwich just to see me. Wish we could spend more time together with our cameras. I always learn something new when we go on a photo safari. The world is a better place for having you in it. Thanks for sharing the knowledge and kindness. ? JJF
Thank you Jeffrey J. Francois, driving from Norwich to hang with such a compassionate friend is nothing. Look Froward to sharing many more smiles. enjoy pjc