Three and the world is imagination, magical in the life of a young frog. June second arriving at the Lacey Library. There are more frog books to add to the 64 she has read.
On the way to Sparkleberrys Back Yard Circus time to stop at The Lacey Library to check out “City Dog and Country Frog”
Time at age three is not really understood or necessary. It is either now or last year. So last year, April 7th we took her to one of her favorite places. The CapitalDome one word announced every time we drive by or if a photo of the Capital is seen anywhere we go it is “Capitaldome.” She has wanted to go visit and explore for close to the last year. Spring break and mommy and I go there with her. We both wonder how long she will like it, but after 2/3s of the second time we took the tour and 40 minutes of wandering and questions. Well she loved it, the man giving the tour said to the group that the last stop was to see photographs of the construction of the Capital. No one wanted to see that except The Little Excavator more questions more knowledge absorbed.
The Circus Parade, did anyone not know that she would be a Frog at the Circus
Lacey Family Fun Day, cotton candy, pony rides, a train around the grounds and a very large ear of corn which disappeared quickly.
A recent Sat. visit at my apt a fly flies by “Grandpa a fly” well Inara that is not any old fly that is Oliver he stopped by to visit. That look grandpa you’re silly. Oliver goes somewhere out of sight. “Wheres Oliver?” you know flies they find a spot and rest they are hard to find. Twinkling eyes wander around “Oliver, Oliver, where are you Oliver?” Oliver is now real a friendly visitor at grandpas. We play some more and Oliver reappears and disappears a number of times. Mommy will be here in a half hour to pick us up and the adventure will continue. But wait “Grandpa lets walk up to the restaurant [market where they have Starbucks and cookies] and go on the CityBus. Mommy will be here soon. “We’ll take the CityBus and meet her.” So shoes back on train picked up we head out I lock the door, she turns and says open the door grandpa. I do she sticks her head inside “see you later Oliver.” Just magic the adventure continues. peace pjc
Photographic Art First Saturday Adventure
great pics of her
Write this story down in a book. Add all the stories that you remember from the time she started being her own person and sharing her world with you and all the stories that are to come. She will cherish having this record of her childhood, especially if it’s in your handwriting. What a blessing she is for this time of your life.
You’ve come a long way. Hope things are progressing out your way! Same ole thing around here…
Terry, It is interesting life on Left Coast. Loving being Inara’s grandpa and friend. When we hang out I am 3 again. She will be here shorty for more fun. I think of you often the walls here are all canvases. enjoy pjc
A hand written book great idea. I don’t think by the time she is a teenager that this web thing will be at all the same. With luck the written word will still exist. peace pjc
I love the story and the pictures. You are one lucky man! I bet you are loving seeing the children grow. How magical!!!! I agree that you should put this in a book and leave for your grand babies. What to fabulous gift to give of yourself.
We miss you on this coast. My son now lives out in LA and my daughter is moving thee next year so who knows I may end up in that area too someday!!!
Keep sending me the pictures and stories I love it . I hope you are well and I wish you all the very best Eva
Thank you Eva it is wonderful. enjoy pjc
If you come to the NW do call