Spare change? Chip in on my paypal link. Posting these stories is very time consuming. Or by mail, my address is on the contact page.
All the moneys gone no where to go.. I will keep delivering that magic feeling
Thank you peace
When I was 1 -2 years into creating Photographic Art, 1973. I had developed a style that included rigid composition, technique and presentation. No cropping, Walker Evans print quality, Focus a must. This image from the late 90’s never made it to the darkroom. Perhaps a cursory glance as I looked at the film. Nope to flawed.
Now as I look again at old images todays sensibilities see a moment on this afternoon in #Willimantic. Recently I I saw a portfolio of
Romualdas Rakauskas Lithuanian master Black and White photographer.
An online photographic artist friend told me about his passing. A master has helped me to see deeper.
Out takes from sessions where the subject and me could not reach an understanding of what I wanted. This image from a test for my Woodnymph series. Not what I wanted but alright as a stand alone
My live long friend, Ken Morgan both of us artists from back to the 1970’s in Coventry Ct
Poised this thought. “how or why things get so clear so late in the game or is is it just me? …..another possibility “
I told Ken that it was pretty clear. Simplicity, seeing as a child so much peace and life to view and explore.
Willimantic 1999 the eyes all the metaphors apply. I like open conversational eyes windows to the soul.
Moments brief lasting forever. I have so many to relive, some to share conversational images that rarely receive a verbal response maybe the eyes speak, but no words to me.
To keep the focus is on seeking the highlights of my life is what keeps me alive. I also see the shadows as an effort to celebrate the highlights keeping negative space in composition not dark thought.
Saturday, 9/25 a self portrait One more recent image before I head back out the door. 
Peace my friends