Mel of Mel O’Soup adding a pinch of humor to my stroll.
Winter Around and About in My Head. Swirling Memories Visit from Prior Decades.
The world slows down for me in Winter still shut in by the plague just a key board to communicate. Now in the 73rd winter my thoughts only response is emojis?
Is that all there is?
The Little Girl and the Rabbit wait for spring. Jan 2022
Shadow drawings Jan 31st a cold day just out my door.
Late 2000 in Colchester Ct. bare birches. 
Autumn in Eastern Ct. October along the Eight Mile River in East. Haddam Ct
The American Dream
August 2015 music in Sylvester park we danced to freedom and comfort like it would never end.
Nick Lacy visiting in December made this portrait of me in 2018. He is an excellent Photographer, really look how great he made me look
Percival Landing on Jan. 28th one of the few sunny days in January
Peace my friends
Assorted images from the last couple months.
The skies on the 12th of January provided a grand pallet.
The sky provides me with images and dreams.
But it is people drive my creative soul. Jan. 14th at Safeway. I was struck by this young women what a marvelous look.
While at the market I also made a quick portrait of one of the Pharmacy staff. This nurse gives pain free injections and is a pleasure to talk with.
Downtown Olympia Christmas shopping and fooling around. Sort of silly but aren’t we all a bit silly.
I met this man on a misty morning stroll. He was parking where I was walking as he got out of the car I asked can I sit in your car to tie my shoes? Laughing he said sure it is hard to get down there isn’t it. He is making neighborhood maps I have a map of my neighborhood. We met on November 28th last year.
The storm door light table. I have used windows and doors to view my transparencies and negatives. Tracing, outlines all of us artists make what we need to create.
Life continues to layer into abstract creations today from downtown Olympia. Layered Life a portfolio I have been shooting for nearly thirty years some with a subject in Victorian cloths layered against modern buildings.
Be well my friends. peace
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