Foot traffic
Fine Art Photographer
by Peter J. Crowley // 3 Comments
Foot traffic
The Spirit of Broadway Theater. A great stage that was once a fire house. Walk through the door and be transformed or transferred into a world of talent. enjoy pjc
Norwich or any old small city downtown after the jobs are gone. Small cities once the community hub for the surrounding towns, of the middle class. Beautiful well constructed buildings empty. What stories they could tell! A port city Ship Captains, hundreds of years of growth. But now we have disposable mini malls built to last till your tax break runs out and you move up the street a block [with another tax break?] to sell drugs with a drive through window. Behind you leave a big empty ugly building what stories can it tell a couple OMGs and a text message in comparison. But don’t worry the Arts will come to the rescue, brother can you spare a dime? Lets publish a calendar and do it all with amateurs photos so we don’t have to pay artists they will be around when volunteers are needed to bring the city back or at least be there for the rhetoric. enjoy pjc